Belledune Municipal Government
The Municipal Government of Belledune was incorporated in 1968. The current government is comprised of a Mayor and 5 Councillors. Two Councillors are Elected by Ward and Three Councillors are Elected at Large. The Mayor is Elected at Large. The Deputy Mayor is elected by the elected council.
The current iteration of the council was elected in 2016 with a quadrennial election planned for May 2020.
The Municipal Government of Belledune is governed by the Local Government Act of New Brunswick. The activities of the Village are directed by the elected council and executed by the Administrative Staff and Public Works. Regular Council Meetings are held every third Monday of the month, with exceptions in the case of holidays, and are open to the public.
Municipal Services
Road Maintenance
The Village of Belledune is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Municipal Roads and infrastructure, as well as shared responsibility for the secondary highway 134. These services include maintaining drainage systems, winter maintenance and routine upkeep.
Protective Services
The Village of Belledune, in accordance with the Local Governance Act, provides both Fire Protection and Police Services via a dedicated Community Led Volunteer Fire Department, and via Contract with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Recreation and Wellness
The Village of Belledune provides opportunities for its residents and those from surrounding communities to lead healthy and happy lives with a great Arena, Sports Fields, Cultural Centres, Gymnasium and a Multi-Functional Banquet Hall.
By-Laws & Policies
One of the most important activities of any municipal government is to develop and enact By-Laws and Policies to govern the day-to-day operations, programs and strategic objectives of the community. These by-laws and policies are available for review for the public by clicking the link below.
Any new by-law or amendment to an existing by-law must be advertised to the public prior to a vote occurring. This is meant to provide an opportunity for the citizens of Belledune to weigh in on the perspective changes. Submissions can be made via presentation, written, email or via the submission form accompanying each instance. You are also able to download pdf copies of approved by-laws and policies.
To see an up to date list of Belledune’s current policies and by-laws click the button below.

Paul Arseneault

Ron Bourque
Deputy Mayor

Cynthia Robinson

Kristie Carrier

Lilliane Carmichael

Marylin Guitard-McDonnell
Village Administrative Staff

Landon Lee
Chief Administrative Officer

Angela Culligan

Administrative Assistant
Contact Us
General Inquiries
- Mon: 8am-4pm
- Tue: 8am-4pm
- Wed: 8am-4pm
- Thu: 8am-4pm
- Fri: 8am-4pm